Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Beauty and the Ice

         Remember the title Beauty and the Beast? This winter has been a beauty and a beast with a lot of ice and cold. It is time to move on! I so long for the peeking of the tips of the spring flowers to begin there annual birthing. As I look at the frozen leaves of this plant, I can't help thinking about the cycle of life with its ebb and flow in which everything is the way it is supposed to be. There is nothing humanly possible to change what is right and good that has been put before us. Without these conditions of cold and ice, how could we possibly know the joy of warmth, and the multitude of colors that many of us look forward to each year of this earthly cycle. I hope you have seen the magnificence which winter can weave, which leaves us with hope and joy for the next season to arrive. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Face of the Week


                 Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.

Friday, February 21, 2014


       Life is composed of lines. 
       The lines are often distinct.
       Distinct lines are definitive.
                 Definitive lines are easy to follow.
Following definitive lines leads to a direct path.
A direct path means clear thought, no interference.
But life is never consistently direct.
If life were consistently direct there would be no
No times of doubt,
No times of indecision.
When the soul stays strong
And faith relied upon
The lines merge and become one.
An eternity
of Love.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


        "May you take time to celebrate the quite miracles that seek no attention."
                                          ~John O'Donohue~
 The above image is an example of minimal photography . Minimal photography requires a way of thinking, a style of looking at the world that must by its very nature be described in a minimal way.   Any prescriptive, complex definition would limit the interpretation and clutter the mind.  Anyone would agree that clutter is not minimal. For me, the lesson here is  to try and live by the saying," less is more." How much more can we celebrate than seeking those things that don't seek attention?

Friday, February 14, 2014

How Much Love?

         "I'm not sure exactly what heaven will be like, but I know that when we die and it comes time for God to judge us, He will not ask, "How many good things have you done in your life?" Rather, He will ask, "How much love did you put into what your did?"
                                                     ~Mother Theresa~

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Face of the Week

                           This cutie is our neighborhood streetwalker. She can be usually spotted at the front entrance to our neighborhood. I had only a few seconds to shoot a couple of shots, hoping not to get rear ended by one of the neighbors. She too has an adorable face!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Window Frosting

"When the sense of beauty has risen from a pleasant feeling to a passion... the world seems charged with a new vitality; with a splendour which does not belong to it but is poured through it, as light through a coloured window, grace through a sacrament...

In such moods of heightened consciousness each crystal seems fierce with meaning, and becomes a well of wondrous light: a "little sapphire set in the City of God

                                               ~ Evelyn Underhill~


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Return is Near

It's cold and the snow's blanketing everything. This reminds me that yellow in all various shades will come again.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Silence to See

            In order to see birds
                      it is necessary...
             to become part of the silence.
         ~Robert Lynd~

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Face of the Week

                          This sweet countenance was taken last summer. Sophie belongs to the owner of Bishop's Castle which is nestled high in the San Isabel Forest in Southwest Colorado. Sophie greets thousands of visitors with little fan fare. A dog without a care. Check out the eyelashes!