Thursday, July 9, 2015


                  I finally got a good pic of this elusive Stellar Jay. He hangs around the house and I feed him peanuts. I hope to catch more pic's of him if only he would cooperate.
the sweet inward stillness
of the wait itself.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Beauty Within


            What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters    compared to what lies within us.

Finding Good Things

The more we practice dancing into silence,
                            The more gracefully we'll move through life,
                           And the more we'll trust that all is well;
                          That on this infinite stage our tiny role
                         Contributes exactly what's required
  For all good things to come into completion.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Clark's Nutcracker

            The Clark's Nutcracker is one of many birds that frequent my bird feeder here in Colorado. I find serenity in watching the different species of birds that make the mountain terrain and the many conifers their home. I'm looking forward to posting more photos of the birds that come to the feeder.

Thursday, July 2, 2015


Endlessly, from dawn until long after day has closed
its sleepy eyes, the tiny house wren voices
his aching song, an energetic warble filled with passion,
calling, calling, calling, stopping the persistent message
only briefly in order to carry thin twigs
with unmitigated resolve, creating the nesting place
for his anticipated love.
What, or who, I ask myself every day, stirs so endlessly
within me that I am equally passionate and devoted?
Have I ever been that zealous, that focused, that intent
on the Eternal Love of my deepest being, so much so
that each syllable birthed from my soul goes forward
as a fervent cry of endless affection to the One I desire?
On and on the wren's unceasing supplication enters
each opened window of my home and heart.
On and on the question of 'who or what" lingers
within each heartbeat of the day, like the dedicated song of this plain brown bird, waiting faithfully 
to be acknowledged                     ~Joyce Rupp~

 From morning until dusk, this little wren sings all day long near her nest. The poem above by Joyce Rupp reminds me so eloquently the devotion, focus, and passion that praying unceasingly would take. I love the question she poses. As I hear this bird sing I too wish for the ever longing connection like the wren that fills the air with the endless song of affection and devotion for the One that holds everything in complete and endless love.