Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Farm to Table

 I recently visited the Three Leaf Farm located in Lafayette Colorado. This farm represents a commitment to fresh, local produce including seasonal vegetables, herbs, eggs, and flowers. Tucked along the banks of the Coal Creek River with majestic views of the Continental Divide, this little urban farm is a pastoral oasis which is the home to goats, chickens, and horses, as well as the seasonal produce. It is amazing to me that forty percent of what is grown on this three acre farm supports seven restaurants in the Boulder area. Family farm dinners are offered four times a year, as well as, many interesting workshops  showing how to use fresh organic produce to enhance our daily lives. 

Monday, August 24, 2015

Butterfly Beauty

  Some call it "minimalism" but you could call it the "uncluttered image".  Looking for the least to say the most is another way to declutter your photographic thinking. Living, and photographing, in a "minimal" way isn't about about doing without, it is about doing within.  We have everything we need already inside us...all the rest is just accoutrement.  When you start tripping over them, it is time to let them go. Learning to say the least is the art of wisdom,