The above image was taken at the site of the Alfred P. Murrah Building which was the site of a domestic terror attack on April, 19th 1995. What has really changed with the above message that was written seventeen years ago? America is still seeking justice in many ways. The courts require it, but there are terrorists that have not been brought to justice since 9/11.
With recent attacks in Lybia, where was the justice then for those four unprotected Americans? Protection of American officials and American grounds is vital if America is to remain strong. There are many victims of terror that are still crying out for what was done. Will the courts have the resolve and strength to find vindication? Or will it take another seventeen years or longer for the courts to require it, and the victims to stop crying? None of the lines are precise. The boundaries are not clear. Goals are not agreed upon. Means are in constant dispute...At the end of the day -- or the week, or the year -- there is no agreement on who has won and who has lost. And, of course, bad behavior is not always punished, nor is outstanding performance always recognized or applauded. So in the discourse of life, we will still continue to live in a country that wants freedom, justice, and truth in which many of us,as Americans, advocate what team 5 is saying on the side of this building. I still believe that many Americans are guided by hope and the ability to see that America is the greatest place on earth.
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