Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Hunter Has Risen

       On October 18th and 19th the moon entered its penumbral  phase. The Hunter's moon is the first full moon after the Harvest Moon which occurred on September 19th 2013. In addition, an eclipse also fell on October 19th, but, it might be so slight to see, if one is not paying close attention one could miss it. In the image above this eclipse is ever so slight.
    This northern movement of the moon occurs along the eastern skyline during moonrise for several days in a row, which helps give the Hunter’s Moon a kind of magical autumn glow. And, with both a Hunter’s moon and an eclipse in one evening, there might be real magic in the air. This image was taken from our deck. What a privilege and joy it is to be able to look to the night sky and see the beauty and stillness that is ever present for all of us to appreciate. The second image was taken as the moon was rising above the trees in the backyard. I love the dark outlining of the branches and leaves against the light of the moon. God gives us so many wonderful experiences in our daily lives.

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