Darwin was stung into silence by these little creatures, asking, “What shall I say concerning the honeybee...?” The following is his observations.
That bees make their cells in perfect hexagonal forms, sparrows build their nests with straw, beavers build dams, and rabbits dig burrows in the ground, are all proofs of God’s creation of separate species. Such animal behaviors are signs of the existence of God, who created the universe and all life forms flawlessly.
Who gave bees all these extraordinary characteristics? How did these creatures, which can perform calculations impossible for human beings and have been equipped with so many features, come into existence? How is it that as soon as these insects emerge from their cocoons, they are able to perform such unbelievable tasks, without the benefit of any special training? How are these unthinking creatures able to establish such an organizational structure? Moreover, how is it that they all fulfill their duties within such a communal order? The organization among them is so perfect that it can only be the work of a superior being.
As I consider all these questions, one truth emerges: It is God who gave bees all these astonishing characteristics. As He does in all the living things He has created. In bees God reveals His infinite wisdom and incomparable creation. A person who witnesses this creation must praise God.
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