Some days you just need to go out and stack some stones. Right? Out by the river I started wandering looking for a good selection of rocks. The right shape, size, color, and the ability to get along in the stack. Next, I found and felt time to begin putting the rocks together. First, some failure and some flops, but eventually a good and pleasing balance. In this process finding balance in self begins to emerge. Searching for harmony and balance, one is apt to discover that neither the earth, nor the soul, is ultimately knowable, understandable, or predictable. In seeing beauty in nature, I can see beauty in others. Listening to the wind in the trees can be like hearing the murmuring of the soul. When I am aware of what is around me, I can respond to the essence of another person. Making a personal contact with another human being and still remain free, whole, and present is the ultimate experience. I soon become grateful for the ability to experience the mystery in my communion with nature and another person.
" If the only prayer you say in your life is "thank you," that would suffice." Meister Eckhart
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