"If you cannot fine joy in peace in these very moments of stillness, then the future itself will only flow by as a river flows by, you will not be able to hold it back, you will be incapable of living the future when it has become present. Joy and peace are the joy and peace possible in this very hour of stillness. If you cannot find it here, you won't find it anywhere. Don't chase after your thoughts as a shadow follows its object. Don't run after your thoughts. Find joy and peace in this very moment. This is your own time. This spot where you are is your own spot. It is on this very spot and in this very moment that you can become enlightened. You don't have to sit beneath a special tree in a distant land. Practice the stillness within in and in all things, and you will begin to know a profound and renewing delight.
~The Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh~
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