Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Sunset to Moon Rise

    Sunset to moonrise at 12,000 feet with temps in the lower 40's.  What a beautiful experience to watch this take place in quite, silence, solitude and no light pollution.
   Coincidentally, the moon is in its full phase.  So this full moon will appear larger, and brighter than an average full moon. It is 14% closer and 30% brighter than the average full moon.
 It looks bigger, because the size of the moon isn't changing, but the distance to Earth does. During this moon phase, the Earth and moon will be 221,675 miles apart (versus 251,655 miles when furthest apart). Hence the names Supermoon, Green Corn Moon or Sturgeon Moon. The next time the  moon will be this close to the Earth is September,28th 2015.

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