Saturday, April 12, 2014

Chanticleer's Call (Beginning of Holy Week)


St. Peter’s sin
We’ve all denied
Falling among those
Who’ve been there and cried.
One holy scripture
Puts it all together
In a scene, past and future.
Christ stands amazed,
Peter stands with fixed gaze,
Two fingers put to surprised lips
That says forgive my ways.
But in between we hear Chanticleer,
As though not seen
As Peter’s tears run down,
Our Chanticleer face.
Poor Peter how he must of felt,
How heartsick for himself
And still cannot come to see,
The sound of Chanticleer yet might bless
This dreadful rooster came to mean forgiveness.
That even the Prince of the Apostles long since,
Had been forgiven, as well as convince
All of us “deny, deny, deny,”
Is not always heard in the rooster’s cry.
The darkness leaves and the sun rushes in,
Following to see the beginning and the end
Faithful as enemy, or friend.


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