Thursday, April 3, 2014


"In my experience there has rarely been an absolute determination that 'I should have done this rather than that' because whatever I have done shapes what I am at this particular point in time.  I might regret something I did in the past, but some form of life is inevitably born from it, something that would not otherwise exist.  This is the way of creation."  
                                          ~Shawn McNiff In Trust the Process~
The images above were taken last June at the  old Hewlett Packard designated recreational area across from our summer home in Colorado. The flowers are wild snapdragon. This area is a great place to hike, enjoy wildflowers, and view many forms of God's creation. This recreational area has since moved a few miles away and is now dedicated to thousands of acres of pristine forests and grassland. Thanks Hewlett Packard for the vision of preservation.


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